We are exploring all of the options for treating this cancer. We have been encouraged by all sides to do it this way so that we can make an informed decision. So far our options are from a traditional medical route, a holistic homeopathic route, or a combination of the two. We have met with Mike's general practitioner and an ear, nose, and throat surgeon and we didn't like either of them or their delivery on treatment options (their opinion was to remove the thyroid without further testing, as soon as possible despite the fact that thyroid cancer is so slow moving), so we have gotten a second opinion. We went to my (Sara's) general practitioner and we felt more comfortable hearing what he had to say. He sent us to an oncologist, whom we met with this past Wednesday. The oncologist had fairly good news for us - we should be worried only if he is worried; he wasn't worried about the situation. He told us not to classify this as cancer - the original lab test came back "suspicious". According to the oncologist, this means that there were only a few abnormal cells that they found - we cannot classify this as cancer, but it does warrant further testing. In October Mike will be going through blood tests and a radioactive thyroid scan, and based on these results, it may or may not be recommended that his thyroid gets removed.
From the holistic, homeopathic side (which is the side that is the most controversial), we have met with two chiropractors, each giving Mike thorough body scans which tested which organs were functioning correctly. Even though we have changed our diet to be refined-sugar-free, processed-foods-free, and organic (and we are feeling so good from eating this way - we have both lost 20-25 pounds since we started cutting out the normal American diet), it has been recommended that Mike go with a more drastic approach and take meat and dairy out of his diet and focus on many raw vegetables for a while. The reasoning behind this is that meat and dairy cause your body to go into an acidic state, which is one that cancer thrives in. As soon as we get a juicer, Mike is going to give this diet a try, as it has helped so many people recover from cancer (and even be cured).
So this is where we are today, September 4, 2009. Please know that one side or another may sound crazy, but we are seriously looking for God's leading and guidance on which treatment Mike should go with. Both sides have proof of people being cured so we are weighing both extremely carefully. Before deciding that either route is wrong or right, please ask yourself, "what would I do if I or someone I loved was diagnosed with cancer."
It sounds like your your doing a good job considering all your options. Hang in there.
ReplyDeleteNot sure if this is the same, but Naiyah had her thyroid bone removed this summer and it was cancer free...not sure if it is the same surgery or even the same thing.
Also, we have a new teacher here now that got thyroid cancer, just like mike's 3 months into her marriage....she had it removed and is doing well now. She told me lots of things like changing their diets and similar things you all are doing. IF you want to talk with her, I can give you her e-mail. Praying for you. Amanda Wurdeman