Wednesday, October 28, 2009

I honestly don't know what to say

I honestly don't know what to say. In some ways we're numb and in others the emotion is just pouring out. In some ways we're incredibly disappointed and yet in others, answered prayer is coming to light. We went to see Mike's oncologist on Wednesday to hear the test results. In short, it confirmed that it looks like he does have cancer. The only way to know for sure is to have surgery to take out part or all of his thyroid. The good news is that his bloodwork came back normal. The scan, however, showed that the mass was "cold", which does indicate cancer. The next step is to talk to the surgeon about surgery, which will most likely be taking place in the next month or two.

Its amazing how down you feel when you expect results that just aren't there. We've had thousands of people around the world praying for the simple result of Mike being cured from cancer without the doctors doing anything. God's answer to that was it isn't the way its going to happen. We're not blaming God in any way, we're just trying to stand back and understand exactly what He is trying to do. This is just about the hardest thing in the world to do - wait on God. We both really want to be on the other side of this and be able to see exactly what His work was through all of this. Mike's not playing the victim card in any way, we're just ready for things to stop happening.

On a positive note, Mike had a second body scan with one of our chiropractors and his overall health is improving, which means that the new lifestyle we've taken on is helping. The scan did show extra activity in his thyroid, which means that his body is trying to fight this cancer - we just need to keep feeding it the fuel it craves so much. So no matter what we do medically, we are going to keep up with this lifestyle of healthy eating and healthy living.

In short, thank you all for your prayers. Please continue them as our life journey continues.


  1. As always you are in our prayers. The greatest thing about any journey we have to go on is that we don't go it alone. You have so many family and friends but most importantly every step you take Jesus is right along side you! Love you guys!

  2. we've been praying for you. and will continue to do so. it's fair and understandable your emotions. i thought it interesting how you noted the hardest thing is waiting on kids would tell you one of my favorite phrases to them as life takes place and decisions must happen is. . .
    "What is the only thing WORSE than waiting on God?--- WISHING you had!"
    God will bless your faithfulness
    ~becky (and bruce)
